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Apr, 2022

WA Legends of Soccer Offering Scholarships

Washington State Legends of Soccer
The Jimmy Gabriel Memorial Scholarship for 2022-2023

WSLS is proud to announce the Jimmy Gabriel Memorial Scholarship for the 2022-23 school year, to be given to
soccer players seeking further education, whether college or vocational training.
Jimmy Gabriel, Whole-Hearted and Inspiring
Jimmy Gabriel was a Scot born in humble circumstances.
He saw soccer as his way to a better life and sought every
day to better himself. He became a legend in Seattle
through playing and coaching at many levels, including
the Seattle Sounders and the University of Washington.
He was described as a whole-hearted and inspiring coach,
ever-humble, generous and popular, who left his mark
everywhere he went.

Scholarships of $1000 to $5000 each will be awarded to one or more high school seniors in Washington in good

academic standing. Like Jimmy Gabriel, the recipient must possess the following characteristics:

• Has humble roots and seizes every opportunity to better themself.

• Is a very giving person, generous with time and talents.

• May be the first person in their family to achieve higher education, whether college or vocational education.

• Intends to continue playing soccer.

• Has a record of working hard to contribute to their own success.

• Before May 6, submits completed application, unofficial transcript of current academics and a letter to the

committee explaining how they fit the above criteria.

Applicants may apply on line here: or request a hardcopy by emailing: [email protected]

The WSLS Scholarship Committee will screen applications on May 15th and announce recipients at the first of June.



Mercer Island FC
PO Box 113 
Mercer Island, Washington 98040

Email: [email protected]

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